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Sumac steak sauce

Super simple lemon butter herb sauce for steaks and grilled meats

Course Sauce
Cuisine Lebanese, Mediterranean
Keyword Quick and Easy
Total Time 5 minutes
Author Zaatar and Zaytoun


  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • small pinch black pepper
  • small pinch dried oregano
  • small pinch sumac
  • squeeze of lemon
  • good pinch of salt
  • sprig of fresh thyme


  1. In a small pot, add the black pepper, sumac, dried oregano with the butter and heat on low until the butter just starts to melt

  2. When the butter is partially melted, turn off the heat and add a squeeze of lemon, salt with the sprig of fresh thyme and swirl around until well combined
  3. Taste a tiny bit to check if you need to adjust the salt or lemon (add a bit of salt if it is too sharp and more lemon if it is too dull)
  4. Drizzle on your favourite steak or grilled meat.