Ahlen I'm Yosra, a Lebanon born - London based foodie. Welcome to my kitchen.
Here you'll find recipes collected from my Lebanese Mama (pictured), some regional classics and some secret family recipes.
My Teta (grandmother) was a legendary cook from Lebanon who could rustle up a feast out of nothing. My mother too is known for her many signature dishes and is always refining recipes she comes across.

Zaatar and Zaytoun is not a home cooking blog for the faint hearted. Nothing is done by halves in our kitchen; there are standards to be maintained, there are food goals to be met.
None of this shoddy sloppy cutting corners for no good reason business. At the same time simplicity is key, unnecessary fussiness should be avoided at all costs, and Microwaves are most definitely Evil 😂
Most of the recipes involve slow cooking, some are extremely long and complicated but as with any craft if you master the basics then you can hope to achieve stunning results.
Always cook with generosity, patience and love, and if in doubt, squeeze a little lemon.
Z & Z